A joint meeting of the Public Coordination Council of PC 24 “Window, door and gate blocks” has taken place
During the last meeting of the Working Group and the SC 24 at the Forum of Glass Industry Leaders in Gus-Khrustalny, decisions were made with regards to the organization of systemic interaction between glass manufacturers and light-transmitting structures and the construction community.
In November 2017, at the Forum of Glass Industry Leaders in Gus-Khrustalny, the decision was taken to instruct the Steklo-Soyuz Association of Russia to organize a systemic interaction between glass manufacturers and light-transmitting structures and the construction community. And also, regularly informing glass industry enterprises, architects, designers and builders about the expanding possibilities of using glass-based products and structures.
To implement the Forum Decision, plans were developed for carrying out sectorial events. The main executor of this program are: Department of sheet glass and industrial processing StekloSoyuza of Russia and interbranch Working group “Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safe and fireproof glass.”
As part of the implementation of this programme and the implementation of cooperation plans between the StekloSoyuz of Russia and TC 465 “Construction” in the Conference Hall of StekloSouz on 14 June , a joint meeting of the Public Coordination Council of PC 24 “Window, door and gate blocks” took place. Components and materials “TC 465″ Construction “and the Working Group” Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safe and fireproof glass.”
The planning meeting was attended by heads of glass industry enterprises, research institutes, construction universities, technical committee for standardization of TC 465 “Construction”, branch Associations and Unions related to the glass industry.
Main topics that were discussed at the meeting included: Improvement of the regulatory and legal framework for the use of glass in construction; The current situation with the development of standards and consideration of proposals of the members of the Public Council for inclusion in the Standardization Plan of national and interstate standards, as well as in the Work Plan of the Ministry of Construction for the Scientific Research Institute OKW for 2019-2020.
Organization of system interaction between glass and light-transparent structures manufacturers and the construction community.
The issues of interaction with relevant ministries, departments, supervisory and supervisory bodies on bringing the normative and legal framework for the use of safe and fireproof glass in construction in compliance.
All interested enterprises are invited to take an active part in the activities of the Working Group “Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safe and fireproof glass.”
Contact person: Gorin Andrey Evgenievich – Director of the Department of sheet glass and industrial processing StekloSoyuz of Russia (v. 8 (495) 411-68-40; 8 916 245-05-12, gorin@steklosouz.ru).