Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GIMAV appoints vice presidents: Management team ‘ready to go’

The full team of people that will oversee the activities of Gimav for the 2016-2018 term was appointed at the Board of Directors’ meeting on October 10.

Vice Presidents Michele Gusti (OCMI-OTG SpA) and Nancy Mammaro (Mappi International srl) were elected and be will working alongside President Aldo Faccenda (Bottero SpA).
Cinzia Schiatti (Officine Meccaniche Schiatti Angelo srl)‎, Gimav’s Past President, was appointed Treasurer.
“I am honored” – stated Nancy Mammaro – “since I firmly believe in the importance of Gimav and hope to make the best possible contribution in acting as a spokesperson for our members, together with the new team.‎ I particularly wish to give voice to all the member companies within the sphere of my role.”
“I would like to thank Mr. Aldo Faccenda and the members of the Gimav Board of Directors for this appointment and as the representative of the producers of hollow glass machinery I will work to expand their activities within the association‎” – stated Michele Gusti – “I will work alongside the management team in the important task of restructuring the statutory functions of Gimav and in promoting Vitrum.”
“Completing the appointment of the entire management team” – ended Aldo Faccenda – “was the first task of my term in office. This team is extremely representative of all the branches of the glass industry, and I am certain that it will enable the association to carry out its role in supporting the members and representing Italian production by the sector in the best possible way, in Italy and abroad.”
Other members at the helm of Gimav are Ilario Borgonovo, President of the Vetrunione Section, and Dino Zandonella Necca, President of the Accessory Manufacturers’ Section and President of Vitrum.

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