Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glass for Europe: PCR for Environmental Performance Declaration of glass products for use in buildings

Glass for Europe has started work on the development of a PCR of glass products, following the recent publication of the European standard EN 15804. This information will be included as an annex in new and revised standards for glass products developed by CEN TC 129.

Following the recent publication of the European standard EN 15804 on the core product category rules (PCRs) for the development of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of construction products, Glass for Europe has started work on the development of a PCR of glass products. The latter will provide additional rules and information on technical and environmental aspects of the manufacture of flat glass products used in buildings and construction works as well as information on relevant aspects linked to the use end of life phases. This information will be included as an annex in new and revised standards for glass products developed by CEN TC 129. Glass for Europe is also working in collaboration with GANA (the North American Flat Glass Association) to ensure harmonization of EPDs at international level.
Glass for Europe is the trade association for Europe’s manufacturers of building, automotive, and transport glass, all derived from the base material known as flat glass.

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