Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GLASS SERVICE celebrates 30 years servicing the glass industry

GLASS SERVICE (GS) Czechia and its affiliated companies FlammaTec spol. s r.o., FlammaTec Germany GmbH, F.I.C. (UK) Limited, F.I.C. Germany GmbH, Augmented Sensors and Systems d.o.o. (A-SENS) provide extensive consulting and engineering services to the glass industry worldwide.

GS is an established provider of CFD modelling of furnaces, simulation software and glass defect analysis. The Expert System ESIIITM, NIR camera systems and visual information analysis are becoming new standards of modern furnace operations. GS group member A-SENS develops advanced electronics and sensors for a new generation of control systems. The engineering services include low emissions and energy efficient combustion systems delivered by FlammaTec in combination with electric melting systems and furnaces supplied by market leader F.I.C. (UK) Limited.

Recently, GS, FlammaTec and F.I.C. responded to carbon free energy requirements with a novel concept of high capacity electric boosting and a pure Hydrogen Combustion approach.

GS was originally founded with four partners in 1990 and it grew into a multinational corporate group providing services to glass industry customers worldwide. A team of more than 100 employees operates from nine countries covering the Americas, Europe and Asia. GS is available throughout an extensive agency network in additional countries and territories.

GS founders, new group members and all employees are looking forward to further extend services and develop new generations of advanced products and services for a prosperous glass industry.

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