Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

glasstec 2024 – Schraml @LiSEC booth

Schraml Glastechnik has been an established company in the field of glass processing and washing machines for over 50 years. Since its takeover by the LiSEC Group in 2016, the company’s portfolio has been streamlined and optimised in the direction of Industry 4.0 and line integration.

LiSEC’s international sales and service network is also advantageous for reaching more distant markets and guaranteeing the necessary 24/7 service availability. Schraml systems and the Schraml team are optimally integrated into the LiSEC network.

At this year’s glasstec in Düsseldorf, from 22 to 25 October, Schraml will once again be exhibiting at the LiSEC booth in Hall 17, Stand A64.

Schraml will be presenting a future-proof combiFIN production system consisting of GLX, M-RX with water jet head, topCLEAR grinding machine – for the first time in combination with the new SSP storage and sorting buffer for unmanned operation.

The system is ideal for the flexible production of medium-sized formats such as doors, balustrades or back walls, etc. It will be possible to see the machine’s functionality during the live demonstrations held at the exhibition stand every day. These will be taking place daily at 13:30 and at any time on customer request.

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