Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaston appoints new executive

Artturi Mäki has been appointed Senior Vice President of Glaston’s Services business area and member of the Executive Management Group as of 8 February 2016.

He moves to his new position from his role as Director, Roll Maintenance Technology Unit with Valmet’s Services Business line. Mr Mäki will report in his new position to President & CEO Arto Metsänen.
Mr Mäki has a diverse experience of international service business.
“Glaston has the sector’s most comprehensive service offering and the most extensive service network. Our goal is to strengthen further this strategic competitive advantage. Artturi will bring new perspectives to the development of Glaston’s service business,” says Arto Metsänen.
Pekka Huuhka, the present Senior Vice President, Services will continue in Glaston in a Senior Advisor role and as member of the Executive Management Group. In his new role, Pekka Huuhka will focus on growth projects in line with Glaston’s strategy.

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