Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaston: deal for FC Series flat tempering furnaces in Asia-Pacific region

The FC Series flat tempering line is well-known for its high capacity, energy efficiency, built-in process intelligence

Glaston has sold two FC Series flat tempering furnaces to one of the leading glass manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Glaston has closed a deal for two FC Series flat tempering furnaces to one of the leading glass manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region. The deal is valued at approximately EUR 2.6 million. The order has been recognized in Glaston’s Q3/2018 order book and it is part of the quarter’s anticipated order intake.
The FC Series flat tempering line is well-known for its high capacity, energy efficiency, built-in process intelligence and above all for the premium quality of its end products.
“For the customers the FC Series gives improved automation based on measured data. The online reporting system Glaston Insight Reporting comes as a standard feature to all FC Series furnaces and is also available as a mobile application. The reporting system gathers processing data and gives immediate feedback about the production, quality and maintenance, as well as energy savings”, says Pekka Nieminen, Vice President, Sales and Service for Glaston in Asia-Pacific.
In addition to the high automation process, the integration capability for fully automated Insulated Glass (IG) production makes the FC Series a perfect choice for window and door manufacturers looking for high efficiency combined with flawless end quality.

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