Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaston sells FC500/RC350™ tempering line to the US

Glaston’s most recent deal regards the sale of a sells FC500/RC350™ tempering line to the US. The tempering line will be delivered to the customer during the last quarter of 2015.

laston has closed a deal worth approximately EUR 2 million with a prominent glass fabricator in the United States. The deal includes the Glaston FC500/RC350™ double chamber furnace including a Glaston Care agreement. The order is booked in Glaston’s Q1/2015 order book. The tempering line will be delivered to the customer during the last quarter of 2015.
The FC500/RC350™ line, well-known for its high capacity, flexible production mix and premium quality of the end products, responds to the highest customer requirements. “Glaston’s technology and good service support influenced our long-term customer in its decision-making,” says Arto Metsänen, CEO and President of Glaston Corporation.

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