Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaston sells ProBend bending tempering line to Austria

Glaston has closed a significant deal with Glas Gasperlmair located in Austria. The deal includes Glaston’s ProBend bending and tempering furnace with turnkey installation.The machine will be delivered to the customer in summer 2017. The order is booked in Glaston’s Q4/2016 order book.

With its zero-tooling process and very short changeover time, Glaston ProBend offers a cost-effective and flexible production. ProBend has the capability of processing glass in a wide range of sizes for high-quality bent tempered, heat-strengthened and laminated products.
Glas Gasperlmair has relied on Glaston glass processing equipment for more than 20 years and already operates four Glaston FC furnaces. This deal completes the company’s product range of glass giving Glas Gasperlmair an unique position in Austria.
“We are very happy to deliver the ProBend to our longterm customer Glas Gasperlmair. With this addition to their equipment Glas Gasperlmair further strengthens their position as forerunner in the glass business in Austria,” said Pekka Hytti, SVP, Sales and Service, EMEA.
“Highest precision is our motto for all our glass processing lines. With the inclusion of ProBend to our  machinery we will be able to expand our business into new customer segments,”  said Josef Gasperlmair, Managing Director and owner of Glas Gasperlmair.

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