Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GPC 2014: student grants available for travel to conference

Students are encouraged to apply for a travel grants available for the 75th GPC, the largest glass manufacturing conference in North America, which takes place 3-6 November 2014 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

The Conference on Glass Problems will run  3-6 November 2014 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.  It is the largest glass manufacturing conference in North America. Glass industry experts will discuss glass melting, refractories, process control and modeling, safety and emissions, raw materials and batching, energy efficiency and more.
Featured items at the conference include the Hot Sensors Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Innovation in Glass Manufacturing, focused on the latest technologies in the market to support critical processes and address current challenges in the glass manufacturing process; EPA Energy Star®/GMIC Joint Energy Symposium – Energy Productivity as a Competitive Edge in Glass Manufacturing; Fundamentals of Batch and Furnace Operation, taught by C. Phillip Ross; Glass Industry Consulting International or Glass Furnace Designs and Furnace Operation – Modeling of Glass Melting & Combustion Processes and Advanced Furnace Control, taught by Andries Habraken and Oscar Verheijen, CelSian Glass & Solar.
Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for a travel grants available for the 75th GPC. GMIC will award twenty student travel grants in the amount of $500.00 to offset travel expenses. All students are eligible to receive complimentary conference registration and a reduced price for lodging. Students must register for the 75th Conference on Glass Problems by September 30, 2014

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