Preparations for the 25th Anniversary Conference of the Glass Performance Days (GPD) June 28-30, 2017 in Tampere, Finland are well underway.
The First Call for Papers resulted in some 80 propositions and the number of workshop initiatives was 16. For those who missed the deadline for the first round of calls there is a second chance to file abstracts by January 20, 2017. In view of the extra attention for this Anniversary Conference organizers suggest quick action to register before the window closes.
At its recent meeting in Belgium the Program Committee reviewed the new ideas and concepts for the upcoming Conference and it also underlined the importance of strict, technical, non-commercial approach papers, reports Jorma Vitkala, Chairman of the Organizing Committee. The place for commercial messages is at the exhibition related to the GPD where they are warmly welcomed. For 2017 there is an added opportunity especially for universities and research organizations to have their presentation abstracts reviewed by the scientific committee of the Conference. These papers must meet high scientific standards and will be published in a separate scientific journal. They will also receive extended abstract coverage in the Conference Proceedings booklet which will ensure enhanced publicity.
An inclusive Conference
The GPD is set to maintain its usual high standard and appreciation among the professionals engaged in the glass industry at large. The 25th Anniversary Conference also recognizes the fact that a generation shift is taking place within the industry.
“We will honor this by arranging special offers for both seasoned professionals who are in the process of preparing to have the next generation take over and young professionals who are still on their way of establishing themselves in the industry, Vitkala said. It is all about exchanging information, accumulated experience and quick inroads into the industry. The organizers also propose to grant Special Ambassadorial GPD status to seniors who make a commitment to mentor younger participants. A reduced participation fee will apply and be granted to the first 25 reporting for Ambassadorial duties in honor of the 25th Anniversary Conference. The GPD is a melting pot of professionals and most suited for this learning mission. Personally I am very excited to hear from young professionals on their way up and will do my utmost to help them make the best of the world´s leading forum in their chosen profession.”
Start-up professionals welcome
Newcomers to the industry, start-up organizations and other professionals who have yet to experience the benefits of the GPD will receive a special welcome.
“We will do our best to tailor attractive terms of participation for these organizations and individuals. Personally I would be most happy to receive pointers of innovative newcomers to the industry,” Vitkala said. As always, this too, is a two-way street. Experienced seniors always learn something from eager young professionals who have yet to earn their spurs.
As always the GPD attaches a premium on early registration and the reduced attendance fee applies to the end of 2016. Although the GPD is a strictly professional event the need for relaxation is never forgotten. The Midsummer time, when the sun never sets in Northern Scandinavia, is well suited for mingling and the making of new acquaintance through the social program. The fact that 2017 is Finland´s 100th Anniversary Year as a nation adds some excitement for its own part.
For additional information, contact Jorma Vitkala, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of GPD 2017, e-mail: or visit htti://