Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

HEGLA participates in the research project BaSys überProd

HEGLA is participating in the research project BaSys überProd (Basic system for cross-company production support)

Since the beginning of 2021, HEGLA has been working alongside 20 partners from science and business to develop software solutions for the transformation towards digitalized, flexible ‘smart factory’ production, with a greater degree of customisation of products.

Although physical production systems and production lines are often flexible to some extent, only parts of them can be transformed and modifications usually entail high costs. Production that is easily transformable with the help of software, on the contrary, enables manufacturers to react more quickly to changes in demand and product small batches of different products more efficiently. The new research project will test BaSys, an open-source software used to help make flexible, cross-company production processes possible easily and efficiently.

The project is under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE in Kaiserslautern and continues with the results of BaSys 4.0 and BaSys 4.2, the previous funding projects.

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the project with 8.9 million EUR over two years.

Click here for the full article (in German).

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