
Heye International team gets sales and technology expert

José María García-Lomas de Lanuza, Heye Sales Partner for Portugal and Spain

Heye International’s new sales partner for Portugal and Spain is José María García-Lomas de Lanuza, who brings specialist knowledge to improve production efficiency to the company.

Following a successful career with major technology suppliers to the container glass industry, José María García-Lomas de Lanuza has joined glass container production technology specialist Heye International as local Sales Partner for Portugal and Spain.
After his academic studies Mr. García-Lomas supported the container glass industry as key account manager and sales director, focusing on inspection technology. He gained experience in managing international agencies in several countries and decisively contributed to increase sales volume. To keep and increase customers’ satisfaction has always been a vital component of his work and makes him perfect to take care for local service and support tasks of Heye International customers in the Iberian Peninsula.
Mr. García-Lomas’ expertise gained throughout his glass industry career will help local glassmakers to continuously improve manufacturing and inspection processes. He will build strong business relationships for mutually beneficial cooperation. With his expert service and consultancy work Mr. Garcìa-Lomas delivers specialist knowledge to improve production efficiency.


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