Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

IIT’s new vertical milling technology meets waste glass powder processing needs

The UK-based International Innovative Milling Technologies Ltd (IIT) has developed new low energy milling technology for a wide range of waste glass processing applications.

The innovative new M350 milling system extends the company’s “m-series” range of vertical roller mills and allows close control of particle size distribution to meet the needs of a wide range of size reduction applications for glass powders and waste product streams.
The versatile M350 is specifically designed to accommodate an output capacity range of up to 4.5t/hr for single pass applications and up to 500Kg/hr for finer products requiring classification. As such it is ideal for cullet reprocessing, and additionally suitable for a wide range of glass sand and powder processing applications including process validation, small tonnage batch processing, research and development, material preparation and pre-processing routines.
Accurate control of particle size distribution changes can be achieved by smooth operating adjustments to the rotational speed of the mill to provide true ‘one pass’ milling and fines control. As a result m-series mills benefit the entire plant through reduction of contaminant, and furnace build up problems.
With the growing market value of waste glass for a range of applications, the highly controllable operation of the M350 means that output can be adjusted to deliver almost any particle size distribution required at the touch of a button.
As a result, the ability to minimise undersize or oversize components in the final milled glass powder product means plant operators can achieve required performance with single equipment sets and sieve mesh aperture changes rather than entirely different process routes or equipment combinations.
The design of the ATEX compliant mill is based on a patented centrifugal grinding mechanism, utilising a special pivoting roller assembly and a static grinding ring to provide a highly energy efficient size reduction capability. The m-series mills are modular designs delivering the benefits of reduced OPEX labour via applied ergonomics in the maintenance cycle.
For speed of installation the low mass mill and its associated control system package are mounted on sub frame assemblies in a truly “plug and play” fashion.  As a result it can be easily transported between different locations for reduced feedstock handling and maximum operational versatility, or be installed in a single location, with negligible preparation cost.
The new M350 mill extends the existing “m-series” range of milling systems developed and patented by IIT.  For fully integrated powder milling processing solutions, IIT also offers complementary “c-series” classifiers and “s-series” cyclones.  Full details at

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