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India bans Sinochem soda ash

4 June 1998: Sinochem has been declared by the Indian authorities to be operating as a cartel and to be guilty of predatory pricing on soda ash imports by India. The Chinese trading company has been …

4 June 1998: Sinochem has been declared by the Indian authorities to be operating as a cartel and to be guilty of predatory pricing on soda ash imports by India. The Chinese trading company has been banned from continuing these imports. The evidence was reportedly provided by the Alkali Manufacturers“ Association of India (Amai). A separate enquiry is expected to be started shortly by the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC), and the ban on imports will continue until this is completed. 87% of India“s domestic soda ash is produced by Tata Chemicals, Birla VXL and Gujarat Heavy Chemicals, which are all members of Amai. Amai is continuing its action against imports by the American Natural Soda Ash Corp (Ansac). The ban on imports from Ansac will remain in place until the MRTPC enquiry is completed. Tata Chemicals, Birla VXL and Gujarat Heavy Chemicals are also being accused of operating as a cartel by the All India Glass Manufacturers Association. This is also being investigated by MRTPC.

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