Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

IRIS celebrates first inspection equipment order from Korea

South Korea’s Kumbi Corp has turned to inspection solutions specialist, IRIS Inspection machines to deliver an advanced finish inspection capability at its manufacturing sites.

The equipment has been specified for the leading glass container producer’s Incheon and Onyang plants. This is the French company’s first order from Kumbi and represents a breakthrough in the local hollow glass industry. Kumbi is planning a major modernisation at its Incheon factory, which currently features a single 170 tonnes/day melting furnace, serving two fully automated production lines. Specified to replace existing on-line inspection equipment, IRIS will supply an EVOLUTION 16 machine for sidewall and sidewall stress inspection. The Onyang plant houses two melting furnaces and four production lines, manufacturing 220 tonnes/day of glass containers. At this site, an EVOLUTION 2 machine will be installed specifically for finish inspection.  The specialist non-contact equipment will be built at IRIS headquarters in Bron, close to Lyon and is scheduled for installation in April 2016.

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