Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

ISRA: further strategic step for expanding smart factory automation

ISRA VISION AG closes new acquisition: Focusing on additional growth potential with embedded sensor technologies for Industry 4.0

ISRA VISION AG – the SDAX and TecDAX company for industrial image processing (machine vision) and one of the world’s leading suppliers of surface inspection solutions for web materials and 3D machine vision applications – successfully completed a further acquisition.

The company is expanding its strategic portfolio through the acquisition of the Swiss company Photonfocus AG and thereby continues to prepare for the future with a focus on smart factory automation for discrete industries. Their specialized sensor technologies and expertise in the development of embedded systems with integrated intelligence will soon be implemented in new ISRA products and product generations and tap into new market potential in the area of factory automation. The focus is on linking 3D machine vision expertise with the automation of robots both in established markets like the automotive industry as well as in discrete industries in general.

The integration of Photonfocus will enable quick progress to be made on ISRA’s demanding innovation roadmap. For almost two decades now, the company has been developing sensor chip designs for industrial image processing with high speed demands based on a modular architecture. Current developments are aimed at the use of 3D technology for industrial applications and hyperspectral sensors.

The purchasing price for 100 percent of the Photonfocus shares is slightly above its annual turnover, which is in the high single-digit million range. The acquisition will be financed from the operational cash flow without medium-term debt. Based on the technologies and expertise of the company in the strategic areas of hardware and software development, ISRA’s management is targeting strong future turnover potential.

The cooperation with Photonfocus and its around 50 staff members is another step on the path to expanding the business with Industry 4.0 components and embedded products. Further acquisitions to strengthen both the application portfolio for vertical markets as well as the generic Industry 4.0 platforms are currently also being prepared.

By expanding its business architecture, ISRA is continuing its long-term strategy of strengthening its market position through both organic growth and the integration of innovative companies. Surpassing the benchmark turnover of 200 million EUR in the medium term with at least stable margins remains an important strategic goal of the management.

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