Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Langley’s Old Tom Gin launched in a beautiful bottle from Allied Glass

Allied Glass ha

Langley’s Old Tom is Charter Brands’ first new product since the launch of the Langley’s No 8 gin, which uses the brand’s distinctive glass bottle in a stunning amber, offering consumers consistency and placing the style in the Langley’s range.
Mark Dawkins, owner of the Langley’s Gin brand, says:
“We’ve always planned to develop other styles of gin under the Langley’s brand and our Old Tom has been 12 months in the development. The style is a forgotten classic in many ways but with interest in gin among UK consumers at an all-time high and still growing, the time is right to bring it back with a real focus and strategy behind it.”
Old Tom is a sweeter version of London Dry gin which was popular in the 18th century, the name reportedly coming from the wooden plaques with a black tom cat on them, mounted on the outside wall of pubs, above the public walkway. Owing to the gin craze, the British Government tried to stem the flow of gin with prohibitive taxes, which drove the scene underground. Under the sign was tube which the punter would whisper a secret word into and, in return, would be dispensed a shot of gin.


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