Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Masdar: liquidation of second thin film solar module production line

Masdar has appointed Maynards once again to hold the online auction of machinery and equipment which includes a thin film solar module production line, front- and backend equipment, PECVD, PVD, production line for BIPV, R&D, metrology & quality lab, glass-sputter and glass-processing equipment.

Masdar PV GmbH has, once again, appointed Maynards to hold a sale for another complete 60MWp solar thin film production line situated near Erfurt in Germany. The line was installed in 2009 and is running until the end of 2014. Approximately 200 lots of high quality glass coating, glass processing and laminating tools for substrate sizes up to 5.7 sq.m. are being offered in this auction as well as R&D, metrology and quality lab equipment:
PVD (AMAT Aton 5.7)
Lasers (Manz, ROFIN SINAR DQx50)
Laminator (Kloepper)
Autoclave (Scholz)
Glass Handling Robots (Kuka)
Glass Handling + Transport System (Grenzebach)
Washers/Seamer (Benteler)
Complete Line for Customized BIPV Modules
…and much more.
For a complete overview of the main tools please visit
The online auction for these assets takes place on 19 January 2015, with the first lots closing from 1:00 pm CET.
An on-site preview of the assets can be arranged by prior appointment on 17 December 2014 and 12 January 2015, as well as by appointment.
Maynards Europe GmbH is a subsidiary of Maynards Industries Ltd., which offers global auction, liquidation, and valuation services to all sectors of the industrial and retail marketplace.

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