Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

NGA / WDDA announces new Board Chairman

The National Glass Association Window & Door Dealers Alliance is pleased to announce the election of Michael Albert to the office of chairman of the board.

Albert, of S. Albert Glass Company Inc., Beltsville, Maryland has served on the board since 2010. Albert took the office of chairman on Sept. 18, 2015, during GlassBuild America: The Glass, Window & Door Expo in Atlanta. He will serve a one-year term. 
”In the coming year, we will be focused more than ever on delivering more products and services to our members to help their businesses be more profitable,” said Albert. “I welcome feedback from our member companies on how we can better serve their needs.”    
Chris Bole of Pikes Peak Glass Inc. in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Tom Whitaker of Mr. ShowerDoor, Inc. in Stratford, Connecticut have been newly elected to the board for 3-year terms. 
Bryan Bush of City Glass Company in Omaha, Nebraska, will serve as immediate past chairman and Tom Howhannesian of Heinaman Contract Glazing in Lake Forest, California is chairman-elect. Leaving the board are Bob Brown and Newton Little.

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