Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

NWDA Winter Meeting registration open

The Northeast Window & Door Association (NWDA) will hold its annual winter meeting on January 23-24, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Md. Registration is now open for the event.

Proceedings commence on January 23 with an opening reception from 5pm to 7pm. On Tuesday there will be a full day of educational and networking events, beginning with an 8.30am breakfast with tabletop exhibitors.
Educational sessions on Tuesday include an update on Energy Star with Doug Anderson, the project manager with the Energy Star Home Improvement Program; a presentation by Marc Lafrance of the Department of Energy on window research and development concepts for advanced market transformation and deployment; a look at the post-election economy with  Laura Siegrist, the director of government relations with the National Association of Manufacturers; an examination of current trends in product testing and certification with Michael Clay of Intertek; a session on improved window and door flashing design with Paul Majka of the Henkel Corp.; and an update on codes and specs with Joe Reed of Intertek.
For more information and to register visit

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