Generous Gin, created by the French company Ôdevie Creative Spirits, was launched at last month’s Vinexpo in Bordeaux.
According to Laurent Berriat, associate founder Ôdevie, Generous Gin is a fresh and aromatic distillation based on the original flavour harmony of citrus, juniper and jasmine, and is aimed at premium spirits consumers and cocktail amateurs.
“The idea behind the new product was to present a gin that resembles a Tree of Life or a Garden of Eden, and have very generous, smooth, crisp and delicate aromas – a gin that would refresh the classic G&T with new fruity and flowery notes,” he said. Red peppercorns, orange fruits, juniper, jasmine and elderflower give the gin its spicy notes and floral accents together with citrus and juniper.
The bottle is made of plain white glass that has a silky touch and full body screen-printed to convey qualities of richness and elegance. The bottle’s shape and design were inspired by traditional botanist bottles.
Generous Gin will be available in 75cl and 70cl formats. It will be progressively distributed in liquor stores and trade outlets from September 1st in France, then other European markets and overseas.