Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

PACRIM12 with GOMD: 1,200 at ceramic and glass science conference

Almost 1,200 attendees from 44 countries took part in PACRIM12 and GOMD

The recent edition of the PACRIM conference took place in Waikoloa, Hawaii, bringing together almost 1,200 attendees from 44 countries.

“It appears all the hard work over past couple years by the symposia organizers and ACerS staff has come to fruition. The success of PACRIM12 is reflected in high quality technical sessions, diverse topical areas, and record number of attendees. My sincere thanks to all the people who have participated to make this possible,” says PACRIM12 organizer, Dileep Singh.
PACRIM12 drew a record number of attendees – nearly 1,200 – to give 1,400 presentations and 250 posters. With attendees coming from 44 countries, the international character of the conference could be heard everywhere. In fact, only about 40% of attendees hail from the US – a testimony to the truly international nature of the field of materials science, and ceramic and glass science in particular.
The Glass and Optical Materials Division continued its tradition of holding its annual meeting with ACerS-hosted PACRIMs, which led to a strong technical program balanced between ceramic and glass topics. GOMD’s program included its prestigious award lectures, which take place all week. S.K. Sundarum organized the GOMD technical meeting.
Besides the extensive technical program, the conference provided opportunities for other activities, such as a “town hall” meeting conducted by the National Academy of Sciences, a publishing workshop for young professionals, a meeting for representatives of the Pac Rim societies – and surely much more.
The Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology is a biennial conference held in collaboration with the ceramic societies of the Pacific Rim countries – The American Ceramic Society, The Ceramic Society of Japan, The Chinese Ceramic Society, The Korean Ceramic Society, and the Australian Ceramic Society.
PACRIM13 will take place 27–31 October 2019, in Okinawa, Japan.

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