Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Pearson’s Glass secures Made Smarter support

A glass manufacturer is the latest to secure support from a programme helping businesses boost productivity and growth using digital tools

Pearson’s Glass, a glass manufacturer based in Liverpool, has received backing from the Made Smarter Adoption programme in the North West for a technology project.

This will involve upgrading and integrating its internal systems including website, warehouse and transport operations.

Simon McKay, Managing Director, said, “The project is a huge step forward for our business, moving away from a very manual and paper driven process towards real-time stock management and automating processes from customer through to distribution.

“The changes will improve efficiencies, reduce the mundane tasks, thus enabling our staff to carry out value added processes and drive sales.”

Since 2019 Made Smarter has supported 161 businesses with 3.9 million GBP matched funding for 201 projects, leveraging 10.5 million GBP of private sector investment.

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