
PPG publishes updated Starphire glass edge colour guide

PPG’s Starphire® Glass Edge Color Guide, which highlights the unique jewel-like blue edge appearance of Starphire ultra-clear glass in varying lengths, has been updated.

PPG Industries has updated the Starphire® Glass Edge Color Guide, which highlights the unique jewel-like blue edge appearance of Starphire ultra-clear glass in varying lengths.
Traditional clear glass displays a light green cast that gets darker as the glass gets thicker and longer. When Starphire glass, the industry’s clearest and most transparent commercial glass, is manufactured and cut in longer lengths, its superior clarity produces an attractive colour that adds brilliance to the edges of countertops, tables, glass doors, room dividers, shower enclosures and other decorative elements.
The differences between Starphire glass and other traditional clear glass products are demonstrated in the brochure using three-dimensional renderings. A chart illustrates their colour edge appearances in thicknesses of 6, 12 and 19 millimetres, and in lengths of up to 130 feet.

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