Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

PPG: savings doubled with low-E glass

In his presentation at a conference at the University of Southern California, Chuck McMullen, national architectural manager for PPG Industries said that low-emissivity glass can save a building twice as much in annual energy.

Triple-silver-coated, low-emissivity glass can, according to research by PPG Industries, save a building twice as much in annual energy savings compared to its double-silver-coated equivalent.
Speaking at a conference at the University of Southern California, Chuck McMullen, national architectural manager for PPG Industries used the example of a prototype window-walled, eight-story office building in Los Angeles to show that its building owners could achieve energy savings of more than USD 37,000 per year when using double-silver-coated, low-E glass instead of spectrally selective tinted glass. When triple-silver-coated, low-E glass was substituted for spectrally selective tinted glass, the annual energy savings for the same building more than doubled to USD 75,728, McMullen said.

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