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Re-Gen and High 5 sign deal

Irish firm Re-Gen Waste announced £10 million glass collection contract with the High 5 Recycling Group.

Irish firm Re-Gen Waste announced £10 million glass collection contract with the High 5 Recycling Group.
As stipulated by the contract, the recycling and waste management company will provide all of its collected glass to a Belgian plant operated by High 5 Recycling Group.
Joesph Doherty, managing director of Re-Gen said: “This new contract means that Re-Gen can continue to offer a glass processing service to all our customers. Dealing with glass that is mixed together with other dry recyclable waste is one of the biggest issues facing materials-sorting facilities today. The majority are incapable of recycling glass due to breakage, which ultimately means glass ends up in landfill. In its unprocessed form, MRF glass is comprised of small shards of glass mixed with contaminates of paper labels, plastic caps and general dirt, which is of little or no commercial value. Separating recoverable glass from these contaminants and washing it produces a visually cleaner glass product and yields an added value product for resale.”
Re-Gen invested in a glass screening plant to improve the quality of glass collected and claims that rather than sending the glass to landfill, 95% can now be recovered for recycling.
Commenting on the partnership with High 5 Recycling, Mr. Doherty said: “Having conducted significant research in the sector, we established that High 5 Recycling operates the most technically advanced glass plant in Europe, with the requisite technology to successfully sort unprocessed and contaminated glass. Our decision to work together was an obvious one.”
Alexandre Halbrecq, director at High 5 Recycling said, “We have been extremely impressed to date with the quality of MRF glass that Re-Gen has supplied to us, no doubt attributable to the significant investment in their on-site, high tech glass screening plant. High 5 Recycling has developed a technology to allow the separation of this glass by colour. One of the end products is an added value glass coloured midway between amber and green called ‘dead leaf. The glass possesses interesting chemical properties of use to industrialists.
High 5 Recycling’s director added: “We are the first company to start producing this type of glass and look forward to a successful working relationship with Re-Gen where together we can yield recoverable glass to prevent it reaching landfill which is both wasteful and socially irresponsible.”

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