
Revimac: Project Myanmar

These new contracts are the result of a continuous fruitful cooperation between Revimac and Siam Glass

Project Myanmar, let’s start!
In 2019, Siam Glass selected Revimac as supplier of reconditioned section boxes for the IS Machines installed in their plants in Thailand.

The complete project is about the reconditioning of 46 sections that will renew five IS Machines. Once the reconditioning is complete, specialized Revimac personnel will take care of on-site installation and production start-up.

First Glass Bottle Production In Myanmar
Being first is always rewarding and for the first glass bottle production in Myanmar (Siriam project), Revimac will supply four IS forming machines complete with Feeders.

The production plant is a joint venture between the Thai producer OSOTSPA (Siam Glass Industry) and Myanmar Golden Eagle, it will be commissioned during the first quarter of 2021 and will serve mainly the local market.

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