Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Rice University Develops Transparent Film That Melts Ice From Windows

Researchers develop a film coating that melts ice when electrical current is applied.

A team of researchers at Rice University (Houston, TX, USA) has developed a technology that could melt ice off of windows. Made from graphene nanoribbons covered with a thin layer of polyurethane, the film can be painted on glass or plastic surfaces and conducts both heat and electricity. When voltage is applied, the film can melt ice within minutes in temperatures as low as -20 Celsius.
Another key feature of the newly-developed deicing film is radio frequency compatibility. While the film is transparent to the human eye, it’s also small enough (50 to 200 nanometers thick) to allow radio frequencies to pass unimpeded. From windshields to commercial building windows, the technology could be prevent the harmful effects of ice without compromising access to cell phone and Wi-Fi signals.
“Glass skyscrapers could be kept free of fog and ice, but also be transparent to radio frequencies. It’s really frustrating these days to find yourself in a building where your cell phone doesn’t work. This could help alleviate that problem,” says James Tour, lead chemist on the project.

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