
Saverglass Datamatrix: added security and traceability

Hot-engraved during manufacturing, this identification solution creates a unique code that is tamper-proof and unalterable

Saverglass’ Datamatrix is an identification solution whose specificity is to be tamper-proof and unalterable. It is a unique code of 24 digits (on a square of 8 by 8 millimetre dots), hot-engraved (which won’t cause microcracks) during the manufacture of the bottle. Its very clear marking allows a very reliable reading. Both aesthetic and very discreet on the glass (generally placed on the neck or the lower barrel of the bottles) it gives absolute certainty about the date and time of manufacture.

This innovation complies with the recommendations of the various standards (Datamatrix ECC200 and ISO/IEC 16022:2006) and responds to the growing quality and traceability challenges faced by the global wine and spirits market. The Datamatrix also complies with European food safety standards.

The discreet Datamatrix is part of an anti-counterfeit protection strategy, an issue that no luxury brand can ignore. But, as a result, it contributes to the enhancement and differentiation of the bottle, a guarantee of Saverglass’ EXTRA quality. Finally, it is possible to use it to load other information concerning the content or even information intended for consumers.

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