Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

SEFPRO, delivers presentation at the ICG Annual Meeting 2024

At the ICG Annual Meeting 2024, held in Incheon, South Korea, from August 25 to 28, Michel Gaubil, Director of Refractory Solutions Engineering at SEFPRO, delivered a presentation on “Sustainable Refractory Solutions for Long-Life Throat Glass Furnaces Supported by Corrosion Numerical Simulation.”

The sustainability of throat glass furnaces is a critical concern for the global glass industry, impacting both lifetime and glass quality. The corrosion process at the throat location is complex, involving various phenomena. To address this challenge, SEFPRO has developed tailored solutions to enhance durability, leveraging advanced numerical modelling.

SEFPEO recently developed FEM (Finite Element Modelling), a service providing glassmakers with critical insights, corrosion profiles evolution, enabling guidelines for throat solutions and over-coating strategy.

The presentation highlighted one of SEFPRO’s latest innovations for the furnaces of tomorrow: simulations designed to maximize glass furnace performance and optimize operational processes.

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