Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Separate waste collection program expands in Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk, Russia, is continuing its project on recycling and separate collection of garbage.

It is an initiative of the breweries and LLC “Habarovsksteklotara.” The program began with the collection of glass containers in closed containers with a special hole on the top.
Currently, the city of separate collection of waste involves the installation of separate bins for glass bottles, Tetra Pak cartons, plastic and cans. This garbage does not enter the landfill and does not harm the environment. Containers are installed in residential areas, near shops and catering facilities.
Today, in the regional center there are 433 containers for separate collection. Anything that is put into the container is extracted, sorted and sent for recycling. Broken glass is sent to the glassworks, and whole bottles reused, according to the administration of Khabarovsk.
In the Far East the program is currently implemented only in Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk.

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