Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Şişecam gets “best organization in training and development’ award”

Şişecam, a global player in the glass and chemicals industries with 24,000 employees in 14 countries spanning four continents, won yet another prestigious international award. This year, Şişecam received the ‘Best Organization in Training and Development’ award at the BEST Awards. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), a globally renowned authority in its field, the BEST Awards recognized the activities of Şişecam Academy, where Şişecam conducts employee training and development activities.

To date, Şişecam Academy has delivered a total of 2,750,000 hours of training to over 52,000 persons. The Academy operates with the vision of being the leading development center that trains value-adding employees. The Association for Talent Development recognizes Şişecam Academy as one of the largest corporate academies in the world today.

Established in 2016 to contribute to Şişecam’s corporate goals, improve human resources competencies and foster employee engagement, Şişecam Academy carries out development activities that continuously support its employees and stakeholders in its ecosystem.

Şişecam employees can pursue their career development in line with their career goals by attending specialized schools for different functions. Şişecam Academy’s strategies, practices, and standards are expanded in Şişecam ‘s operating countries. As a result, employees from different territories meet in the same training environment and benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience. AtŞişecam Academy, development opportunities are not limited to employees. Development programs are offered to all stakeholders with training content that will improve the entire Şişecam ecosystem. The Academy offers Şişecam employees in-class and e-learning programs under the hybrid learning model. Şişecam Academy also provides the opportunity for employees to benefit from the world’s leading learning resource providers on the Unlimited Learning Platform.

Since 2003, the BEST Awards have recognized exceptional organizations that create added value by aligning their training and development efforts with their strategies in the best way and supporting their employees with pioneering development opportunities.

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