Contract signing between SORG and Qixia Changyu Glass
SORG has received an order for the supply of a glass melting furnace and three forehearths for Qixia Changyu Glas’ new production line.
Qixia Changyu Glass Co., Ltd., Shandong Province, P.R. China, plans the construction of a new production line and has placed the order for the glass melting furnace and three forehearths with SORG.
An important factor for ordering the new Furnace 7 from SORG was the efficient design with regard to energy consumption, low emissions and glass quality requirements.
Qixia Changyu is the biggest producer of wine bottles in P.R. China and is one of the leading Chinese manufacturers of glass containers. The company are especially produces high quality packaging, i.e. bottles and containers in various glass colours. Furnace 7 is planned to produce flint glass.
The furnace is a gas-heated end-fired furnace with melting booster. The melting capacity is 350 tpd. The glass conditioning system consists of a SORG® STW working end and three SORG 340S® forehearths.
Besides the design and engineering package SORG is also supplying the complete equipment, i.e. gas and electric heating system, combustion air supply and waste gas system, batch charger type EME-NEND® S3, measuring and control system, forehearth equipment and the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System . For the melting booster the new SORG® fixed transformer system will be supplied. All forehearths are equipped with the SORG® OMT (Oxygen Measuring and Trim) System.