
Sparklike measure and prioritize customer satisfaction

Sparklike cares about its customers and have this year focused on enhancing customer-centricity. Therefore, the company conducted a Customer Satisfaction Survey in Europe, China, Japan and South Korea to hear what Sparklike users think about its devices and services. As a bonus, Sparklike organized a give-away of a Finnish design product of which the lucky winner was AGC Processing in the Czech Republic.

Sparklike aims to improve devices and services to suit its customers’ needs and requirements even better. That is why the customer satisfaction survey covered five topics to understand customers’ experience with Sparklike: general satisfaction, Sparklike devices, Sparklike services, customer service and other questions. The overall score of satisfaction was 8.1 in a scale from 1-10 which implies Sparklike have done well, but there is still some work to done if the company wants the satisfaction to be perfect.

Sparklike noticed the appreciation and satisfaction of Sparklike distributors. Both general satisfaction of distributors and their customer service received good scores. As a globally operating company, Sparklike understands the need for market specialization and translations in which Sparklike distributors have a key role. For Sparklike, its distributors are the experts of their market area and vital part of its operation, which the survey verified.

An aspect that needs more focus is services which received 7.8. To get a better score next time, Sparklike have started to create new procedures and actions to be more transparent regarding what happens during calibration and make it faster. As a starting point, the company has gathered blog texts that concerns maintenance and calibration to give a better understanding why it is important to calibrate devices. Other actions will be revealed during Autumn of 2023.

Lastly, to understand Sparklike customers better, the survey had open ended questions which made it possible to give feedback. The whole Sparklike team want to thank everyone who participated to the survey, made to serve customers better after carefully reading the results and making plans to develop operation.

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