In 2015, Luigi Bormioli, one of the world’s leading producers of tableware and perfumery glass containers, has contracted Fives for the enlargement of one of its existing electric-furnaces at its glass plant located in Parma, Italy.
The cosmetics glass segment is one of the most demanding in terms of glass quality requirement. Fives was in charge of the design, engineering and commissioning of the furnace. This cold top all-electric furnace, Prium® E-melt CTVM, incorporates Fives latest design features that offer a specifically engineered furnace structure as well as an steelwork-integrated cooling system in order to improve glass melting/refining performances and reduce refractory wear rates. This newly developed design was developed following intensive mathematic modelling sessions performed in partnership with CelSian Glass & Solar BV, a leader in CFD (computational fluid dynamics) modelling for the glass industry. Fives successfully commissioned the all-electric furnace with a capacity of 80 tons per day in October 2016 making this furnace one of the deepest furnaces in the world (3.7m). The expected furnace lifetime will be 8 years. Furthermore, the cosmetics glass segment is one of the most demanding in terms of glass quality requirement.