Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Super Toughened Glass installs Glaston FC500, UK’s largest furnace

Super Toughened Glass Ltd of Park Royal, London is currently installing the largest Glaston FC500™ tempering furnace to date in the UK. With a keen focus on quality and customer service since the company started operations 15 years ago in 1999, the company continues to purchase Glaston-made.

The drivers behind this investment were to meet the growing demands of their customers in the commercial sector and to reduce their environmental impact with more energy-efficient production.
The all-time largest, the Glaston FC500™ furnace, is currently being installed at the Supertuff facility. It will give the company the ability to process up to 3300 x 6000 mm high-performance, Low-E and solar control glass with the best quality in the UK.
“When considering the investment, we had no doubts of who was going to supply our new furnace,” says Amit Patel, General Manager at Super Toughened. “Ever since the company was founded, we’ve always purchased Glaston machinery. Quality is our prime focus. That’s why we chose Glaston again.”
“The main drivers for us to invest at this point in the largest FC500™ were twofold. First, our commercial customers to whom we primarily cater have been demanding a wider variety of glass types. For example, with the FC500™, we will be able to heat strengthen glass up to 12 mm, which no one else in our market can do.”
“Second, we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment. The Glaston FC500™ will be a more energy-efficient furnace. Its large bed will consume less energy because it processes more glass at one time.”
To further cut back on overall energy consumption, Super Toughened also recently upgraded the blowers on its Tamglass Pro-Convection line with Glaston’s energy saving (S) option.

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