Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

The digital version of Glass-Technology International 5/2020 is now online

G-TI 5/20 is a Special Issue filled with editorials, ranging from company presentations to technical articles

Almost all the trade fairs planned for 2020 have been cancelled or postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this reason and to maintain our responsibility to inform, as part of the press and as publishers of trade publications for the glass industry for more than 30 years, we have decided to support our customers and readers with a Special Issue filled with editorials, ranging from company presentations to technical articles.

To further support companies and provide the glass industry with information, glassOnline now has special contents, including a series of company videos and video interviews.

To read the digital version of G-TI 5/20 click here.

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