Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

UK meets packaging recycling targets

The UK Environment Agency“s recently published National Packaging Waste Database reported that more than 1.86 million tonnes of packaging was recycled during the fourth quarter of 2009.
According to…T

The UK Environment Agency“s recently published National Packaging Waste Database reported that more than 1.86 million tonnes of packaging was recycled during the fourth quarter of 2009. According to Angus Macpherson, managing director of the Environment Exchange, the country“s recycling target was met in 2009, contrary to earlier forecasts, adding that there were two main reasons for the success. Macpherson said that the supply of Packaging Recovery Notes (PRN) in the third and fourth quarters had significantly increased due to export growth; while the demand for packaging had dropped by 150,000 tonnes, lower than the 2008 level. He added that increased supply and reduced demand had also lowered packaging prices during the fourth quarter. Duncan Simpson, managing director of Valpak, said he is hoping for a stable year for glass recycling, even with the company“s growth during the fourth quarter slightly lower than the previous quarter. Rebecca Cocking, recycling manager of British Glass, said that it was encouraging to see a rise in fourth-quarter figures, even if the increase was not that huge as glass recycling only increased by about 45,000 tons.

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