Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

VPInstruments introduces VPVision 7

The new outlook towards Energy Management of Factory Utilities

VPInstruments is proud to introduce release 7 of the VPVision energy management system.

VPVision is a complete real-time energy monitoring solution for all utilities within a company. Real-time energy monitoring is key to energy savings. VPVision is a guiding hand to target energy savings and to improve the performance of your factory. In this newest release 7, the VPVision software had a complete make-over.

The modern design offers better navigation, improved stability, and increased performance. The software is more intuitive and self-explanatory, making a user manual almost redundant. Release 7 features many upgrades, including:

  • Save time by remote access. VPVision is now cloud enabled. So, prevent costly on-site visits and perform remote audits and system checks. Furthermore, updating is just a matter of minutes, as updates can be done automatically over the air.
  • Quick navigation with linked widgets. No need to build complex dashboard and prevent a data-overload. With the new linked widgets functionality, you can keep dashboard clean and simple for daily use, whereby more details can be accessed via the widgets.
  • The right dashboard for the right job. Each factory, and each compressed air system is different. VPVision’s improved page builder makes it even easier to create custom pages with the right KPI’s / graphs / overviews / alarms and more. This combined with user profiles, ensures you can build the right dashboards for the right job.

With these new features, VPVision release 7 brings monitoring of your utilities to the next level.

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