Page 32 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 32


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                                        RAMSEY CHAIN

                                        RAMSEY INTRODUCES NEW 100%

                                        STEEL WEAR PROTECTED CHAIN

                                     and had problems with d
                                     sintered metal links n
                                     cracking, those days are
                                     over. These links will
             Like all Ramsey’s Wear   not crack; they are made
             Protected Chains, the   from solid steel,” states
             new All-Steel Allguard   David Holcomb, VP of
             FX chain is protected   Sales at Ramsey.
             against lateral chain   All-Steel FX guard
             and pin head wear with   links can be added to
             fully recessed pin heads   almost any style of
             covered by unique, wear   center guide conveying
             resistant links.        chain, including single
             The difference with     pin and two
             this new chain is the   pin chains.
             protective links are 100%   This product
             steel and will never crack   breakthrough,
             under pressure. This    available only
             makes Ramsey’s new      from Ramsey,
             All-Steel Allguard FX   may change
             chains tough enough     the way you
             for the most demanding   look at wear
             applications. “If you   protected
             have tried other chains   chains.

                                                                   GLASS PACK 2017     its conserves, Cielo and
                                                                                       Terra for wine, Bortolin
          GLASS PACK FIRST SUCCESSFUL EDITION                                          and its prosecco and the
                                                                                       beer “Made in Italy” of 32
             Glass Pack, the newest sector and the   workshops were well    Via dei Birrai.
             trade fair dedicated to   media.                  attended and actively   A notable success was
             glass packaging, held    The international impact   engaged both major and   the Products on Display
             at Fiera Pordenone on    of the first edition was   minor producers and    Area, where companies
             8 June, closed its doors   reflected in the number of   distributors of glass,   could focus the attention
             as a success. The fair,   countries represented by   accessory manufacturers   of visitors on innovations
             an important innovation   visitors: besides specialist   (corks and closures, label   and leading/star/flagship
             in the European scene,   Italian operators,       closings, second-level   products.
             involved the entire chain   visitors came from 11   packaging), suppliers   The next edition of Glass
             of container glass, from   countries: Argentina,   of services, designers   Pack is scheduled for the
             the design of containers   Austria, Croatia,      and sector associations   same period in 2018, and
             (jars, customized        France, Germany,         (FEVE/Friends of Glass,   the organizers expect it
             packaging and bottles    Israel, Hungary, Russia,   Assovetro, Coreve), the   will feature an even bigger
             of every shape and size)   Slovenia, United       research agencies which   ‘Products on Display
             through production to    Kingdom.                 support the industry, such   Area’, and increased
             end users and recycling,   The exhibition area was   as Stazione Sperimentale   involvement of final users.
             from producers of glass   occupied by more than 40   del Vetro of Venice, and   Conference presentations
             to final users, producers   stands. The conferences   the end users. Among the   will be available soon on
             of food and beverage, the   and technological     latter were Valbona with

                glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2017
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