Page 33 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 33


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                                                  VIDRALA     estimated turnover for 2017 ranging between EUR 130 and
                                                              135 million, and an estimated operating result, EBITDA,
                     VIDRALA EXECUTES                         ranging between EUR 32 and 34 million.
                                                              The agreed transaction price amounts to an enterprise value
                        LETTER OF INTENT                      equivalent to EUR 250 million, approximately. Said figure
                                                              could vary moderately depending on the indebtedness
                 FOR THE ACQUISITION                          effectively assumed at the transaction closing.
                                                              The execution of the definitive documents and the closing
                    OF SANTOS BAROSA                          of the transaction are expected to take place during the
                                                              third quarter of 2017.
                       Vidrala, S.A. has executed a letter of intent   Vidrala’s board of directors and the management
                       for the acquisition of a controlling stake in the   team have been admiring for years the quality of the
                       Portuguese company Santos Barosa Vidros.   business developed by Santos Barosa, grounded in
                       The eventual acquisition remains subject   modern manufacturing facilities and solid commercial
                       to the conduction of the relevant legal and   relationships with their clients. Vidrala has shown
                       financial reviews, as well as to the execution   capacity for the integration of
                       of the corresponding transaction agreements.   companies within the group,
                       In addition, the closing of the transaction will   fostering their respective
                   be conditioned upon the approval by the relevant   positionings, promoting customer
                   antitrust authorities.                     satisfaction and contributing
                   Santos Barosa manufactures and sells glass   to their local futures through
                   containers and owns a major production facility   its proved expertise in the glass
            located in Marinha Grande, Portugal. The company   packaging business and its strongly
            produces around 400,000 glass tons per year, with an   industrial long-term vision.

                                                                                    Making good wine

                                                                                                  is pure art;

                                                                            have you ever thought

                                                                      about glass the same way?

                                                                                         > ANNEALING LEHRS
                                                                                         > DECORATING LEHRS
                                                                                         > TOUGHENING LEHRS

                                                                                         > STACKERS
                                                                                         > CROSS CONVEYORS
                                                                                         > HOT GLASS SCRAPERS
                                                                                         > MOULD PRE-HEATING OVENS

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