Page 38 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 38


             first IS machine for Shandong     able to assemble any type of IS   the storage and shipping area
             in 2007, and now we’re looking   machine out of our portfolio.    needs expansion to allow for the
             forward to the next 10 successful   Therefore, it is likely that in the   current workload.
             years.”                          future we will assemble also NIS
               “On behalf of everyone at      and BIS at JB. This would mean     GMP&A: Does the JB plant
             Bucher Emhart Glass, I’d like    of course an expansion of the    serve clients from the Asia-Pacific
             to congratulate all the team     current operation, both in size as   region only? If not, for which
             at Johor Bahru on the plant’s    well as in personnel. Additionally,   other regions does it produce?
             10th anniversary,” adds Martin
             Jetter, Bucher Emhart Glass’
             President. “Especially I would
             like to mention the high produc-
             tion standards and quality lev-
             els which they have sustainably
             achieved. With an impressive
             200 machines manufactured and
             delivered, they’ve played a cru-
             cial role in our worldwide devel-
             opment over the last decade. We
             wish them all the very best for
             the future.”
               GMP&A: Does Bucher Emhart
             have in mind any kind of expan-
             sion for the Johor Bahru plant?
             If you do, are you thinking to
             increase the number of person-
             nel and size of the plant and/or
             to update the kind of machines
             produced (NIS and BIS)?

               Bucher Emhart Glass: The
             Johor Bahru operations are

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