Page 62 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 62


            achieved seven percent growth     GMP&A: It sounds like a new      German container glass sector.
            in annual revenue thanks to our   beginning for an old expert. What’s   And we’ve taken the extensive
            excellent work over the course    so special about your position?  sector know-how that we gained
            of the year. Global demand for      RT: Firstly, it’s not really a new   during that time, plus our insider
            our products has risen and we’ve   beginning. It’s a strategic refocus   knowledge, with us. It enables
            secured some big contracts with   that makes GPS a more modern,    us to identify our customers’
            several major customers.          innovative and flexible company.   needs, to understand the opera-
               We’re doing a very good job of   Today we combine tradition and   tional challenges they face and
            consolidating our market posi-    innovation, uniting the best of   to deliver the optimum solutions
            tion as a leading developer and   both worlds in our unique prod-  - with minimum impairment to
            supplier of IS machines and com-  ucts and services. The fact that   their production operations. We
            ponents for the container glass   the year went so well for GPS    know what it takes to be a reliable
            industry. After some 28 years     despite all the major changes is   partner in this sector.
            of affiliation to Saint-Gobain     probably also related to the vast
            Oberland AG, it was time for      market experience we have accu-  GMP&A: What are the GPS
            GPS to stand on its own two feet.   mulated over the years. We’re   innovations that you mentioned?
            Our success over the past year is   obviously no stranger to the glass   What can your products do better
            impressive proof that it was the   industry as a former division of   than rival products?
            right decision.                   one of the biggest players in the   RT:  Since becoming an inde-

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