Page 58 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 58

         Company news

             named MINT Minded Company

                    erresheimer has been      lot to us to be recognized as an   GLASS MADE IN GERMANY –
                    crowned a "MINT Minded    attractive place to begin a MINT   IHK AWARD FOR BEST IN YEAR
             GCompany" this year for          career," says Thomas Perlitz,      Gerresheimer's sites, some of
             the first time by audimax Medien   Global Senior Vice President for   which have been home to produc-
             GmbH and the "MINT Zukunft       Human Resources, adding that     tion facilities for glass packag-
             schaffen" ("Creating a future with   training managers at the plants   ing for several centuries, include
             MINT") initiative. The abbreviation   have already been working hard   Gerresheimer Essen (North Rhine-
             MINT stands for academic sub-    for several years to successfully   Westphalia), Lohr (Bavaria, Lower
             jects and professions in mathemat-  recruit, train and encourage tal-  Franconia), Tettau (Bavaria,
             ics, computer science, the sciences   ented young people – efforts that   Upper Franconia) and Wertheim
             and technology. Gerresheimer     are now paying off.              (Baden-Württemberg). Of course,
             trains around 150 school leavers   The seven Gerresheimer train-
             in over 20 different professions at   ing centers in Germany offer
             its plants across Germany every   training in the following MINT
             year. Good grades in the so-called   professions: Electronics engineer   With its seven training
             MINT subjects are an important   for industrial engineering, sys-
             stepping stone for successful entry   tem integration computer scien-  centers in Germany,
             into most careers at Gerresheimer,   tist, industrial electrician, indus-
             including for process engineering   trial mechanic, mechatronics    Gerresheimer offers
             apprentices and students on the   engineer, screen printing media
             dual BEng degree in mechanical   technologist, technical product    training courses for
             engineering or plastics and rubber   designer, process engineer for
             engineering.                     glass technology, process engi-    about 150 young
               "We are especially proud of this   neer for plastics and rubber tech-
             award because, as a traditional   nology, tool mechanic and cut-
             B2B company, it really means a   ting machine operator.             students in more than
                                                                                 20 MINT subjects.

                                                                                 At Gerresheimer’s

                                                                                 production sites, the

                                                                                 students study academic

                                                                                 subjects and professions

                                                                                 in mathematics,

                                                                                 computer science,

                                                                                 the sciences and

                                                                                 technology, giving them

                                                                                 an extra push in entering

                                                                                 the professional world.

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