Page 77 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 77

Technology is continuously                       INTERNET TECHNOLOGY

           moving and developing and
             companies and the industry

         need to keep up with this growth            TIAMA

             with solutions able to respond

          quickly, save time and facilitate

            the work of glassmakers. Tiama             IQ SCAN

                  has done just that with its IQ

             Intelligence system range, and             the clever solution                                      Internet technology

               with  Tiama IQ Scan, offering a

             clear analysis of production and            to enter the

               real time data to all employees            Industry 4.0 age

                                within the factory.

                 irst came steam followed by   come together in an entirely new   sors, PLC, Scada, computers,
                 electricity, then the assem-  way, with robotics connected    Big data, Internet of Things
             Fbly line, allowing mass pro-    remotely to computer systems     (IoF) and cloud computing –
             duction. The third era of industry   equipped with machine learning   to develop a “smart plant” are
             was with the advent of computers   algorithms that can learn and   already in place, implementing
             and the beginnings of automa-    control the robotics with very lit-  Tiama Intelligence Systems is
             tion, when robots and machines   tle input from human operators.  easy and inexpensive. Designed
             began to replace human workers                                    to provide glassmakers with cru-
             on those assembly lines.         EMBRACING INDUSTRY 4.0           cial real-time data and access
               Now we are entering Industry     Tiama embraces Industry        to information which requires
             4.0, which has also been called   4.0 with the release of its “IQ   responsive  decision-making,
             the “smart factory”, in which    Intelligence system” range. Since   Tiama IQ unlocks and gives
             computers and automation will    the main tools – such as sen-    users key performance metrics in

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