Page 78 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4/2017
P. 78

         Internet technology
                                                                                            ber, most informa-
                                                                                            tion can be passed
                                                                                            to the hot end
                                                                                            operator,  allow-
                                                                                            ing him to focus
                                                                                            on a “faulty” sec-
                                                                                            tion and cavity to
                                                                                            speedily solve the

                                                                                            ACCESS TO
                                                                                              With Tiama IQ
                                                                                            Scan, each employ-
                                                                                            ee can have his own
                                                                                            login and password
                                                                                            to his personal-
                                                                                            ized dashboard of
                                                                                            the system. This
                                                                                            allows each indi-
                                                                                            vidual access to
                                                                                            information that is
                                                                                            relevant to his role,
                                                                                            anywhere, anytime.
                                                                                            By supplying this
                                                                                            valuable informa-
                                                                                            tion across the
                                                                                            entire plant, opera-
                                                                                            tions are greatly
                                                                                            enhanced.   Now
                                                                                            a plant manager
                                                                                            can focus on the
                                                                                            key performance
             a quick, focused manner. Since   analysis of production by giving   metrics of the whole plant for
             it is a web-based, mobile, soft-  real time data on defects picked   that day while the IS manager
             ware solution, information can   up by inspection equipment to all   receives data of the defects or
             be accessed anywhere, anytime,   employees within the factory.    cavities relating to his IS machine
             resulting in improved efficiency.   By collecting data from the    over the last 30 minutes whilst
               Since launching Tiama IQ       whole line – from IS machine to   not interfering with the qual-
             Track, (the system that gives    palletizers – Tiama IQ Scan gives   ity manager, for example, who
             glass plant managers a quick     all the necessary KPI’s and data   can monitor the quality records
             overview of their factories’ key   in real time to show users where   of his team without unnecessary
             performance metrics), Tiama has   losses are occurring, and why.   information from other sections
             also introduced IQ Scan as the   This crucial information allows   of the plant.
             line monitoring system.          operators to take prompt action,   Making all the procedures with
                                              resulting in reduced losses.     comprehensible HMI to record
             IQ Track and IQ Scan               Tiama IQ Scan not only auto-   data much easier, users now sim-
               Tiama IQ Track has been        matically helps improve the per-  ply enter all their procedures
             designed to assist hollow glass   formance of the line it also:   into the system. Without the old
             plant managers to access rele-   - reduces  the  false  reject  rate   paper trail, managers can eas-
             vant information and therefore to   and adjustment of bad set-    ily follow what has been done,
             make decisions promptly, while     tings;                         what is happening and whether
             Tiama IQ Scan offers a revolu-   -  automatically increases the   the results are within specifica-
             tionary approach to a line super-  percentage of packed ware.     tions or not. Tiama IQ Scan
             vision system by providing clear   Together with the mould num-   also records most of the opera-

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