Page 18 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
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            GERRESHEIMER                                                               and beauty sector and
                                                                                       operates two furnaces.
            QUERÉTARO                                                                  One of these is the only
            IS ITS BEST                                                                furnace in the group that
            FACILITY                                                                   produces opal glass and
            OF THE YEAR
                                     quality containers       made us deserve this     offers a full portfolio
            Gerresheimer’s           for injectable drugs,    recognition among the    to Gerresheimer’s
            Querètaro site in Mexico   fulfilling and surpassing   group are our work   customers.
            has been awarded the     the most strict quality   philosophy based on     Nicola Balena,
            best facility within the   requirements of the    Total Quality in all     Gerresheimer Momignies
            pharmaceutical and       pharmaceutical industry   areas, High Perfomance   General Manager, said:
            medical packaging group.   and of medical devices.”  Culture and Teamwork,   “The entire workforce
            The site has made multi-  At the same time that the   and with the application   showed great enthusiasm
            million dollar investments   installation and validation   of the Gerresheimer   and they were happy to
            in the past three years   of the new equipment    Management System        accommodate all the
            in vials, ampoules,      was taking part, the site   (GMS) management      inconveniences associated
            pre-fillable syringes and   held ad hoc courses and   tools we obtained a high   with the installation of a
            specialties.             trained personnel for    customer satisfaction    new furnace.”
            Hector Garcia,           the optimum operation    level and consequently   Gerresheimer said its
            Senior Plant Director    of the equipment. Now,   outstanding business     customers were welcome
            Querétaro, Tubular Glass   Gerresheimer Querètaro,   results.”             to visit the remodelled and
            Converting, said the     produces 1.3 billion units   REBUILD OF           modernised plant to see
            site now has the most    per year, which is one   MOMIGNIES                the technical opimisations
            modern and efficient      container per six human   OPAL                    and finishing options.
            manufacturing lines in   beings in the world. It   FURNACE                 Opal glass can also be
            the industry to produce   delivers to customers in   COMPLETED             used for segments such
            vials and ampoules,      Mexico and export to                              as spirits, food and
            which are equipped with   the US, Canada, Central   Gerresheimer has       household. It gives the
            dimensional and cosmetic   America, Brazil, Chile,   completed the rebuild   packaging a visual appeal
            inspection systems.      Argentina, Germany,      of one of its furnaces at   that differentiates it
            “These allow us to       Austria and India, among   its Momignies, Belgium   from standard glass and
            deliver to our customers,   others.               plant, where it makes a   allows for a sophisticated
            mainly pharmaceutical    Mr Garcia added: “Some   diverse range of glass for   individualisation of glass
            laboratories, the highest   of the main factors that   the perfumes, cosmetics   bottles, flacons and jars


                      NEW PROMOTIONS

             Glass packaging company Croxsons, has announced
             two new board level promotions as the company    to be offering promotions to Paul and George. The
             continues to grow and increase its market share.  appointments follow a period of strong growth for the
             Formerly occupying a sales manager’s role, Paul   company, throughout which both have made significant
             McGrane has been promoted to sales director. Having   contributions to the company.
             worked for the company for 11 years, his new position   “They have proven themselves to be hugely capable
             will focus on the Croxsons’ sales team, their direction   leaders and we look forward to their participation, in
             and performance.                                 the wider context of the business, in helping to build
             George O’Brien, also previously a sales manager, moves   strategies to complement our ambitious and aggressive
             into the role of commercial director. With eight years’   growth plans. Both will continue to directly manage their
             experience with the firm, his responsibilities include   customers.”
             providing strategic direction and control over the   Croxsons has been supplying glass packaging and
             operational side of the business.                closure solutions for nearly 145 years. Their faultless
             In a joint statement, both Croxsons’ chairman, James   commitment to quality and the customer journey
             Croxson, and COO, Tim Croxson, wrote, “These are   continues to provide leading brands with unique and
             exciting times for the business and we are delighted   unrivalled packaging solutions.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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