Page 20 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 6/2017
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                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL FORUM

                            ‘GLASS AND MODERN TECHNOLOGIES-XXI’

                                     National Council of the   t  'FBUVSFT PG EFTJHO      development of foam
                                     glass industry enterprises   materials and           glass production in
                                     “StekloSouz” of Russia,     equipment to create      Russia.
                                     the topics of the event will   safe and energy-   t  2VBMJUZ DPOUSPM
                                     include:                    efficient glass        t  )PX UP FGGFDUJWFMZ
                                     t  4USBUFHJFT BOE USFOET    constructions.           collect debts and to
                                       of development         t  1SPCMFNT XJUI TVQQMZ     save on legal costs.
                                       of domestic glass         of power plants.      t  $IBOHFT JO UIF
                                       production.               Technologies of energy   legislative base. New
                                     t  4UBUF TVQQPSU            efficiency.               standards.
            The International
                                       measures: Russian      t  .PEFSO SFGSBDUPSZ     t  1SPUFDUJPO PG SFTVMUT
            Forum ‘Glass and
                                       reality and world         materials. Technical     of intellectual activity
            modern technologies-
            XXI’ will be taking place   practice, import         possibilities for        (RIA). Judicial
            at the Institute of glass,   substitution and export.  increasing the life    practice, within the
            Vladimirskaya oblast’,   t  )JHI RVBMJUZ NBDIJOFT    cycle of a glass         countries members of
            Gus ‘ -Khrustal’nyy,       and equipment for the     furnace.                 UIF 850
            Russia, 23-24 November,    glass industry.        t  3FDZDMJOH  &OFSHZ     Those who wish to take
            with the key theme of:   t  2VBMJUZ BOE BGGPSEBCMF   saving.               part in the conference
            “Problems that hinder      raw materials - basis   t  1SPCMFNT PG          should send their
            the development of the     for high profitability.    application of        application to the
            glass industry and their   t  %FTJHO HMBTT           new types of          Organizing Committee
            solutions”.                companies from            glass products.       by e-mail to: kristina@
            Organized by the           scientific idea to the     Nanomaterials., or call:
            Association United         project.               t  8IBU QSFWFOUT UIF     (495)411-68-40.


                                BRINGING BOTTLES TO LIFE

                               WITH AUGMENTED REALITY                                  of what will happen
                                                                                       when glass prototypes
            Thanks to its new        iOS app on a tablet or   (CAD) technology.        are progressed to the
            Augmented Reality (AR)   smartphone.              Combined, Encirc’s       trial stage, and therefore
            Service, customers of    8IFO DPNQBSFE UP UIF     CAD and AR services      decrease the chance of
            UK-based container glass   typical method of 3D   will ensure the technical   re-trials. Streamlining
            manufacturer Encirc can   printing prototypes,    quality of the product   the whole process is also
            see their glass container   this digitisation of the   is optimised, while the   more sustainable as it
            designs brought to       design process increases   aesthetics still meet the   reduces the total amount
            life. In fact, the AR    the efficiency and        desired requirements.    of products used during
            technology means Encirc   speed at which Encirc’s   Using AR, Encirc can   the testing process.
            customers can view their   customers’ products    put container concepts   Rob Coates, Product
            glass packaging design   come to market.          through their paces using   and Graphic Designer,
            concepts in real-world   The new AR offering will   virtual reality stress tests.   Encirc, said: “Our new
            settings as well as move   build on Encirc’s current   These deliver comparable   service is in-line with our
            and amend them quickly.  design options which     results to real-life testing,   future-thinking focus and
            The AR technology        already allow customers   but can be completed in   mission to make Encirc
            service superimposes     to create innovative     approximately one week.  even more efficient and
            a computer-generated     and effective containers   By doing this, it allows   sustainable through the
            design onto a customer’s   through the use of     Encirc to gain an        use of innovative digital
            point of view via an     Computer Aided Design    accurate understanding   technology.”

                glass machinery plants & accessories 6/2017
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