Page 37 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 37

Rolf Themann, MBA,
                     Managing Director GPS

                                                     commenced in May 2017, but       continue BGC as being the mar-
                                                     GPS isn’t concerned. “We’re      ket leader.
                                                     confident that we can close out    The very latest technology
                                                     the project on time and within   facilitates growth, improves effi-
                                                     budget,” said GPS CEO Rolf       ciency and ensures the profitable
                                                     Themann.                         future of the container glass sec-
                                                                                      tor. However, for this to happen,
                                                     the very latest                  the factory personnel need the
                                                     is maChines                      necessary technical know-how.
                                                     for the new faCtory              That’s  where  GPS’s  full-service
                                                       GPS’s innovative strength and   support comes in. To provide
                                                     technical excellence have devel-  the machine operators with the
                                                     oped strongly since the manage-  best possible training before the
                                                     ment buyout almost two years     IS machines are commissioned,
                                                     ago. Very soon after becoming    GPS  sets  up  a  training  station
                                                     an independent company the IS    that is used both for training and
                                                     machine expert had a genuine     testing purposes. BGC addition-
                                                     innovation push and registered   ally will benefit from the long-
                                                     numerous new patents. Now        term support that GPS provides.
                                                     GPS is exploiting these strengths   “We continue working with our
                                                     in the BGC project. The majority   partners after the installation of
                                                     of the IS machines have mod-     our  IS  machines  to  ensure  that
                                                     ern servo  technology. They also   the customer doesn’t experience
                                                     incorporate new mechanisms and   any initial problems with GPS
                                                     processes such as the Proko gob   technology. So we’ll be support-
                                                     weight control system. All mod-  ing BGC for another 12 months
                                                     ules are configured for plant’s   after the IS machines are put
                                                     specific requirement situation.   into  operation  there,”  explained
                                                     “We want to help BGC to move     Themann.
                                                     forward in its market with our
                                                     state-of-the-art IS machines. We   innovation and stability
                                                     always source the optimum tech-    In a complex project such as
                                                     nical solution for the customer,   the equipment of a new produc-
                                                     whether it’s standard or custom-  tion facility, innovation and tech-
                                                     made,” explained Rolf Themann.   nical excellence aren’t the only
                                                     The additional production capac-  things that count. “This kind of a
                                                     ity  provided  by  the  new  factory,   large-scale project involves  a lot
                                                     plus the use of ultra-modern and   of coordination. There are fun-
                                                     efficient GPS technology, will   damental decisions to be made,

                   rate with the customer, which
                   involves in-depth discussions and        BG ContaIner GlaSS
                   idea sharing before the project
                   kicks off, as well as comprehen-
                   sive employee training, start-up             CoMpany lIMIted
                   support and long-term support.
                   This overall concept, which is      BGC is one of the leading and most advanced manufacturers of container
                                                       glass in Asia.
                   also being applied in the large-    Established  in  1974,  the  company  today  operates  five  glass  container
                   scale BGC project, reflects the     factories with a combined production capacity of 3,335 tons per day.
                   GPS ‘everything under one roof’     That corresponds to around 12-17 million glass bottles. BGC isn’t just the
                   philosophy. It was this quality     largest container glass manufacturer in Thailand, but also in the entire
                   that enabled GPS to secure the      ASEAN region. It manufactures glass packaging products for the dome-
                   contract. The core project phase    stic and international food & beverages markets and also offers a range
                   will be completed by August         of other packaging materials.
                   2018. It’s an ambitious target      Recently, Bangkok Glass Public Company Limited, the parent company of
                   considering that the project only   BGC, has expanded its business in float glass industry under BGF brand
                                                       for construction and automotive industry aiming to be the Total Glass
                                                       Solution provider.

                                                                                glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2018

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